Our girl, Grace delivered her first litter of Olde English Pocket Beagles! The puppies were born December 23rd, 2019. Mother is 10.75" tall and weighs 12 lbs. Puppies weighed anywhere from 5.7 ounces to 9.7 ounces. We're excited to share the wonderful news with everyone! Old English Pocket Beagles are in an elite group all their own. No they are not a mini beagle as many call it. They're AKC purebred Beagles in a registry all their own. The registry is called the Olde English Pocket Beagle Registry or OEPBR Registry. There are specific rules, guidelines and restrictions which are verified and confirmed.
Mr. Robert Mock, the founder of the OEPBR began his registry in 1999 and continues still today. This is necessary to protect this rare purebred breed of Beagle from becoming extinct.
The Olde English Pocket Beagle Registry continues to monitor the purebred lineage keeping the registries current.
Founded in 1999, The Olde English Pocket Beagle Registry was started as the base to one of the most expansive restoration projects. Started by Robert Mock who has successfully completed numerous other restoration projects.
The Olde English Pocket Beagle Registry’s mission is to save this endangered breed by keeping accurate records and providing knowledgeable information to promote the breed of the Olde English Pocket Beagle. The registry has all records of Olde English Pocket Beagles dating back to when the registry was founded.
We are no longer raising the Olde English Pocket Beagles. Our girl, Grace has developed Valley Fever. She is on an antifungal medication. This is harmful to puppies. Grace cannot bear any more puppies while on this medication. We're very disappointed however the welfare of our dogs always comes first. If circumstances change we will update the website.

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I live in Yuma. Would like to drive and select a
Do you have pocket beagles available for adobtable.